
Swipper Video Chat

Video chat with random people! With just one swipe, you can make new friends and have great conversations!

Swipper is a video chatting app that randomly matches users together to create a great chatting experience. Don't like your partner? No problem, just swipe again and join a new conversation!

Step 1: Swipe right to match with a partner
Step 2: Swipe right again to match find a new partner
Step 3: Swipe left to disconnect

1: Swipper includes nudity detection software and users will be automatically banned
2: Users can submit reports and will be banned after receiving a certain number of reports

Please see our Terms of Service here:



  • 01/29/17 - Initial Contract Signed
  • 01/31/17 - MVP Completed
  • 02/01/17 - Additional Work Contracted
  • 02/11/17 - Additional Work Completed
  • 02/15/17 - Submitted to app store for review
  • 02/17/17 - Rejected by app store due to app category
    • Client was initially warned of this potential outcome before work began